Privacy Policy of the 3D Emotion website
Publisher of the 3D Emotion company website
Head office
SARL. 3D Emotion
Siret 438 928 921
668 chemin de la Rosette
69440 Taluyers
Tel. +33(0)4 78 51 97 54
Publication director
Stéphane Bertrand, co-founder.
Website manager
Vincent Arrouy, co-founder.
Technical realization
3D Emotion
668 chemin de la Rosette
69440 Taluyers
This site is hosted by alwaysdata — sarl with capital of €5,000 — 62 rue tiquetonne 75002 paris (France) siret: 492 893 490 00036 — naf: 6311Z — intracommunity vat: FR66492893490
This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.
The photographs, texts, logos, pictograms and all intellectual works on this site are the property of 3D Emotion or third parties who have authorized 3D Emotion to use them.
Reproductions of all or part of this site on paper or electronic media are only authorized for personal and private use in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. These reproductions must clearly and legibly mention the source and author of the site. Under no circumstances may these reproductions be detrimental to the authors.
Photographic credit
3D Emotion All other uses are subject to the express authorization of the publication director.
Establishment of links
3D Emotion authorizes the establishment of a hyperlink for all sites with the exception of those disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic nature or that may offend the sensibilities of the majority. Unless specifically authorized, the established link must appear in a new window and the pages of the site https://www.3demotion.net must not under any circumstances be integrated into the pages of another site.
Links to third-party sites
3D Emotion reserves the right to point to third-party sites. The target sites are not under the responsibility of 3D Emotion. Consequently, 3D Emotion is not responsible for the content of these sites, the links they contain, nor for any changes or updates made to them.